Monday, March 9, 2015


Kind of like what Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber did with 'Jesus Christ Superstar' back in 1970 - I wanted to take a musical approach upon a well-known Biblical element: The Ten Commandments.

I started producing the album and began planning how I was going to go about capturing and portraying the Ten Commandments in a way that was relevent and current with today's society.
My initial approach was to make the entire album a symphonic journey. But the more I realised that each commandment was vastly different from the next, I also realised that each tune had to be very different too. And I mean different to the point of mixing up genres.

I also wrote the music and songs from the perspective that the commandments aren't just 'do' or 'do not' rules. They are very helpful groundrules and codes that make life richer and sweeter, whether you are a born-again Christian or not.

This particular tune was the very first piece to be written for the project and is based on the seventh commandment: 'Do not commit adultery'. It begins like early morning mist revealing a field of grass, resembling the beginnings of a loving relationship between two people.
Then it enters into a militant march, which is the secure structure God has put in place as the guidelines. However, there is freedom within these guidelines, which is portrayed by a wild electric guitar. The tune then diverts into an area of allurement, which could lead to temptation. The tune stops abruptly thereafter, signifying that there is always a choice.


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